BSides Tallinn 2024

BSides Tallinn 2024

Web security: templates all the way down
09-19, 16:00–17:00 (Europe/Tallinn), Workshops

Estonian web blue team has evolved Locked Shield defence and threat hunting toolkit over past 4 years and a lot of it could - and should - be used also in real life.

We'll run through the scenario of dockerising whatever webapps, secure configurations, WAF tricks and easy ways to make your logs usable. All templates - sidecar containers, configurations, etc - will be public, docker-savvy participants can follow our scenario on their own computers and the rest gets chance to interact with sample application and navigate through the resulting logs in real time.

Workshop extra info

We expect workshop participants to use their own laptops, server-side infra will be ours.


Peeter wanted to become a scientist when everybody else wanted to be firefighters and policemen. That was at the end of kindergarten. His previous positions were strategy and web development in a digital advertising agency, resident hacker at large web hosting provider and security evangelist in company building e-commerce experiences for major brands.

Currently intel analyst in C3EE, spending free time sailing and participating in marine SAR - so basically police & firefighting, but also working with people having fancy titles like data scientist.

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Have been taking apart things to see how they work since I was small, and now using those skills for good. Cyber security CTF trainer for the European Cyber Security Challenge Estonian team, cyber governance consultant for enterprise and avid start-upper. Loves cats.